Year 4 Curiosity Conference 2022
The Curiosity Conference gives children the opportunity to listen to the voices of the future; children from a range of locations across the country; from County Durham to Bournemouth and from Norfolk to Salisbury. Their curious minds are invited to share their stories with MakeBelieve Arts and other schools, as they journey to wherever their curiosity takes them.
This year, Amie, employee of the London Museum of Artefacts, discovered a tunnel full of curious artefacts and a letter from the infamous explorer Fabiola the Second, under the Ironmongers Hall in London. The authorities want to build an underground car park there, so Amie & Mrs Bench (Amie’s boss) enlisted the children's help to write the stories for the artefacts.
The children were given 5 different artefacts from the tunnel and created their own stories about how it ended up there. Watch the video and see their amazing stories brought to life!