Meet the Governors
Kate Clements- Chair of Governors
I have been a co-opted governor at a small village primary school in Suffolk since 2012. More importantly I am a mum of three girls aged 12, 11 and 9, who bring a great deal of fun into my life along with some challenges as they develop and grow.
I also work part time as a Finance Director supporting our business which my husband set up back in January 1997. I previously worked as a full time Finance manager for a large manufacturing company where I learnt a great deal about communication and managing people. I am now also extremely lucky to be able to volunteer some of my spare time in supporting children at the local village school.
Whilst being a school governor, I have learnt to appreciate the pressures in education whilst staff endeavour to nurture every individual child’s needs and aspirations.
Thetford is a town that has supported my family and my grandparents who used to live here back in the 1970’s/80’s and I have made some very special friends. I hope I will be able to give back to Bishops my experience, enthusiasm and positivity for meeting the challenges that the school will face moving forwards.
Tony Heywood- Trust Governor
I have been a vicar in the Thetford Team Ministry since July 2011. The focus of my job has been the Abbey Estate and from the start of my time here, I have really enjoyed the assemblies at Bishop's School, visiting classes to talk about various RE topics and hosting school tours of St. Cuthbert's church building. In 2013 we set up Grace Church that has met at the school on Sundays and in 2017 we started a Toddler Group. I was a governor from 2013-2016and am excited to be taking on this role again. I'm married to Helen and we have two children at primary school. I love all sport, try to keep vaguely fit and my interests include: history, literature, polar exploration and the novels of Patrick O'Brian.
Gwyneth Bissett
What a privilege and honour to have been asked to join the governing body of this school. I will do my best to honour the role and give my time, energy and enthusiasm to this ‘jewel’ of education on the Abbey Estate.
One of the most important aspects of joining the team has been the opportunity to watch and encourage the growth of Christianity in this school. How heartened I feel that in Bishop’s school the children have clear vision and understanding of basic principles that will stand them in good stead as they progress through their education and into adulthood. I applaud the work that has already been accomplished by staff and parents. I look forward to being a part of the journey.
I have lived and worked in Thetford and the surrounding areas for 40 years. My early childhood was in the Diss area. I am from farming stock and have lived a rural life in Norfolk.
My adult working life has been in education, working with all ages from pre-school to mature adults. The age of my oldest student is 79 - proving you are never too old to learn. I also have a hospitality business which keeps me very busy.
My family of four boys are now grown up with children, careers and lives of their own. Being a grandparent is a special joy and keeps me up to date with current TV characters and toys - vital for my role as governor and working in a primary school!
Your children’s education is important to me – If you see me around the school and want to ask anything – please feel free to ask – I probably won’t know the answer but am willing to put forward ideas and questions to the governing board on your behalf.
Governor Attendance 2023-2024 Year to Date
Governors Attendance 2022-2023
Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust
Easton House 109 Dereham Road
Telephone: 01603 882329