Bishop's SEN Information Report
Bishop's SEN Information Report 2023/2024
Welcome to our SEN Information Report which will provide details about how we as a school support our learners with Special Educational Needs to ensure that they have access to an inclusive, full and engaging curriculum. Our vision states that we strive to have a culture of respect, where friendships are important and we forgive to grow together. We have courage to aim high, we persevere to achieve and serve all on our community’s journey. As shepherds, we include everyone in our safe and happy school to live life in all its fullness.
At Bishop’s we work together with families to ensure that every child in our care is ‘Safe, Happy and Learning’ in order to fulfil their potential and develop as successful, respectful individuals who live our Christian values.
If you would like to discuss any part of your child’s education and how the school may be able to meet their additional needs please talk to the class teacher or Judith Jarrett, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator - SENDCO). This information report is part of The Bishop’s Primary Academy’s contribution to the Norfolk Local Offer.
The school Contribution to the local offer
There can be many reasons for pupils to fall behind in their learning including absence, attending lots of schools, difficulties with speaking English or worries that distract them from the task. This does not mean that all vulnerable learners have SEN. The SEN Code of Practice states: ‘A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them’ (2015)
If a learner is identified as having SEN we will ensure provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the daily curriculum adjustments or scaffolding, and quality first teaching that is provided for all. The intention is that this targeted provision will help overcome the identified barrier(s) to their learning and ensure progress.
A child has special educational needs if they have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
- Cognition & Learning
- Communication & Interaction
- Physical and/or sensory
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
At Bishop’s we have a clear process for identifying SEN. The school keeps a record of those pupils who have been identified and monitors the profile and progress of SEN learners across the school using the 7C’s Learning Portfolio and Tracker. There are currently 21.1% of learners identified as having a Special Educational Need which is above the national average of 17.3%. 4% of our learners also have an Educational and Health Care Plan (EHCP), the same as the national average at present. This number does not account for those children not on the SEN Record who are receiving adjustments, scaffolding or targeted help to support success or fill specific gaps in learning, for example additional phonics, reading or maths support.
Academic Year 2022_23 | Cognition & Learning
| Communication & Interaction
| Physical /sensory
| Social, Emotional & Mental Health | Total |
% of SEN | 23.4 |
| 7.8 | 22 |
% of School | 5 | 10 | 1.6 | 4.5 | 21.1% |
How does the school know if children need extra help?
Early identification is vital and the school strives to understand the needs of each individual in order to plan to meet them. The class teacher informs the parents at the earliest opportunity to alert them to concerns and enlist their active help and participation in supporting their child. The class teacher and the SENCO assess and monitor the children’s progress in line with the existing school practices using the 7Cs. This is an ongoing process. The SENCO works closely with parents, teachers and teaching assistants to plan an appropriate program of support and monitor success. This plan is reviewed termly with parents and the child as part of the 7C’s Learning Portfolio meeting. Where appropriate we may seek further individual assessment information in order to track pupil progress more effectively using the expertise of other professionals. The assessment of children reflects, as far as possible, their participation, achievement and attainment in the whole curriculum of the school.
The 7C’s Learning Porfolio
The 7Cs Learning Portfolio helps to define the barriers to learning and inform actions by providing a language of assessment that considers ‘why’ a learner is having difficulties with the curriculum. There are 7 areas of learning and development within the 7C’s – all starting with a ‘C’. Although Curriculum is in the centre, the other 6 C’s are also essential for learning.
Each of the 7C’s is sub-divided into further areas to allow us to really identify the specific barrier to success.
Cognition | Communication | Creativity | Control | Compassion | Co-ordination | Curriculum |
Working Memory
Speed of Processing
Analysis |
Speech: expressive
Language and understanding
Collaborative conversation
Listening –
Social communication
Social Interaction |
Generating ideas
Problem solving
Making things
Courage and Determination
Trust |
Behaviour for learning
Anxiety management
Language of emotions
Turn taking
Sense of justice
Self-esteem and well being
Support for others
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Stability and Balance
Sensory Processing |
Art/DT and Music
History and Geography
PE and Sport |
Together, the class teacher, parents/carers and child will identify three areas of strength and three areas that may be causing a barrier to progress. They may be three different C’s or three sub-areas within one. Adjustments, scaffolding and interventions will be planned, delivered and then reviewed at the end of the term (as a minimum); with successes celebrated and the 7C’s assessment tracker completed. This forms part of our Assess, Plan, Do, Review process.
As a school we have access to a wide range of specialist services to support children with specific learning needs. In line with the SEN code of practice (2015) we use a graduated approach to a continuum of need. Within each phase we will implement a cycle of;
Assess - Plan - Do – Review (APDR)
If a referral to an external agency is recommended, the forms will be completed in conjunction with parents/carers and then sent on to the relevant agency. Referrals may be recommended when a high level of support and intervention has been implemented by the school over a period of time with limited progress being made. In some cases specialist advice may be sought immediately due to the nature of the concern, for example a child with significant speech and language difficulties.
What should I do if I think my child has SEN?
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or well-being, please speak to either your child’s class teacher, Judith Jarrett (SENCO) or Lorraine Ratcliffe (Headteacher).
How will I know that that the school will support my child?
Inclusion is at the heart of our school and underpins the way that we relate with each other, the way that we teach and the way that we learn. In our school we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our children, whatever their ability or needs. We have high expectations of all our children, and teach these through an engaging and reflective curriculum. We want all our children to feel that they are a valued part of our school family. We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and inclusive participation.
How will the curriculum be matched to suit my child’s needs?
All children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is adjusted to enable children to: understand the relevance and purpose of learning activities; and experience levels of understanding and rates of progress that bring feelings of success, achievement and enjoyment.
Through appropriate curricular provision, we respect the fact that our children:
- have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations;
- require different strategies for learning;
- acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates;
- require a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.
Teachers respond to children’s needs by:
- providing support for children who need help with communication, language and literacy;
- planning to develop children’s understanding through the use of all available senses and experiences;
- planning for children’s full participation in learning, and in physical and practical activities;
- helping children to manage their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely;
- helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly regarding trauma or stress, and to take part in learning.
Teachers use a range of strategies to meet children’s special educational needs. Lessons have clear learning objectives; we differentiate work appropriately, and we use assessment to inform the next stage of learning. The range of adjustments, scaffolding and interventions that are available to help those requiring additional support are demonstrated through our ‘Menu of Support’ which includes strategies from the Provision Expected at SEN Support document (PEaSS). This document is consulted as part of the 7C’s Learning Portfolio and assessment tracking meeting each term firstly between the Class Teacher and SENCO, and then between the Class Teacher and Parents/Carers during their child's review.
How will I know how my child is doing, and how will you help me to support my child?
The school works closely with all parents and has an ‘open door’ policy. We encourage an active partnership through an ongoing dialogue. The staff involved will have regular contact with parents at least once a term, to share a review of the progress of children, share targets and discuss support that is in place at school and how they can help at home through the use of a 7C’s Learning Portfolio. Teachers, Parents/Carers and the child will work together to complete Learning Portfolio's to identify individual strengths and targeted areas for development, including how these barriers to learning will be supported in school and within the home. We will inform the parents of any outside intervention, and share the process of decision-making by providing clear information relating to their child.
If a child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) it will be formally reviewed annually as a minimum, biannually for those in Nursery or Reception.
How will my child’s views be considered?
The school conducts regular pupil voice interviews to gather the views of pupils throughout the school. Where a child has an identified SEN and is able to give their views these will be gathered as part of the termly review of their Individual Learning Portfolio (ILP).
What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
Our commitment to inclusion underpins the three truths we are all working towards every day;
Everybody SAFE, everybody HAPPY, everybody LEARNING.
We use explicitly taught PSHE/RSE lessons using the Jigsaw programme and the emersion of our school values to ensure the social and emotional competence of our children. Children are rewarded for demonstrating these values with certificates, values points and class marbles. The children’s efforts are recognised during Friday’s ‘Celebration’ worship. We know the impact of poor mental health on the wellbeing and therefore the success of our learners. The Zones of Regulation are taught to children throughout the school so that children develop emotional literacy alongside strategies for dealing with those 'trickier' emotions. Short activities using the Zones of Regulation are built into the school day so that staff are able to support children appropriately. We employ a Play therapist for 4 days a week who is able to work with individuals and small groups on more specific areas of social and emotional wellbeing when more significant barriers are identified.
Our staff team receive a range of training to support their understanding of barriers to learning caused by SEMH difficulties. We are a Trauma Informed school who hold positive relationships at the heart of all we do. Staff are 'Step On' and 'Step Up' trained and work with a range of outside professionals to meet specific, individual needs. They are confident in working with children to develop their social, emotional and mental health needs to enable them to engage fully with school life and learning. The school has a clear anti-bullying policy and supports pupils to develop friendships and social skills through targeted intervention.
Our close work with the community has demonstrated that we need to provide a calm, emotionally stable environment for our children and families. We have highly successful strategies for engaging with parents and carers including through the important work of our Learning Support Team and Learning Catalyst.
What training have staff supporting pupils with SEND had or are receiving?
To ensure that we are able to meet the needs of all children within our school;
- All staff have a regular opportunity to discuss their training needs with their line manager. A range of training is planned each academic year including ASD awareness, Speech and Language and in-house training on specific barriers to learning.
- The SENCO, Assistant SENCO and Independent Educational Psychologist are available for staff consultation
- The staff working with physically disabled children are given full manual handling training and work closely with health professionals to meet the significant needs of these learners.
- Adults working closely with specific children receive support from a range of professionals planned to meet the needs of individuals in their care.
- The school receives support from the Norfolk Inclusion Team and other professionals working with the SEMH needs of pupils.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
All children at Bishop’s have the same access to extracurricular activities. Please contact the school office for more information on the range of clubs and activities. We are committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure participation for all. Please contact us at the school if your child has any specific requirements for extracurricular activities.
How accessible is the school environment?
Bishop’s Primary is accessible for all. We enjoy the benefits of a single storey building which underwent a £3.2 million refurbishment during 2010/2011. The school and the buildings continue to grow and most recently we have developed ‘The Hub’ which includes a new library and Family Learning Centre, making services more accessible to our school family. In 2021 the SureStart building was returned to the care of the school. This provides an alternative learning space for those who may need a quieter space to learn or for those attending Sensory Circuits intervention.
Outside we benefit from extensive playgrounds and a large field again easily accessed from all classrooms. EYFS and KS1 have their own outside learning environments fully equipped to develop curiosity and investigative learning. Visits to the school are welcomed!
How will school support my child in starting school and moving on?
A smooth transition provides a positive start for all children entering a new school or class. The EYFS team work extremely closely with parents to ensure that children at the very beginning of their school career have spent time in their new classroom environment, experienced the daily routines and begun to get to know the staff they will be working with. The Nursery and Reception staff will attend a home visit for each child in their class at the beginning of the Autumn Term to ensure that the partnership with parents is fully established and that we fully understand the needs of your child. Previous nursery settings will be contacted and, if possible, visits to see the child in the current setting during the summer term before they join us will be made.
If a child joins us during the school year we will ensure that a tour of the school has been completed, a meeting with appropriate staff has taken place so that we are fully aware of any individual needs, and the child/ren have met their teacher before they begin. The child will also be paired with a ‘friend’ who will ensure that they are supported during the school day. The previous setting will be contacted to gain as much information as possible before the child/ren begin with us, again to aid transition.
All children spend a morning with their new teacher at the end of the summer term before moving ‘up’ to the next class. We also ensure that we work closely with any High School’s our Year 6 children may be transitioning to in order that they are aware of any individual needs that may need to be catered for.
How are the schools resources allocated and matched to pupils SEN?
We use provision mapping to ensure that the school’s resources are allocated correctly and matched to the needs of each individual child. The SENCO and Class teachers meet regularly to discuss the progress of all children and any areas for concern are raised. We follow the assess, plan, do, review model (APDR) and before any additional provision is made to help a child the SENCO, Assistant SENCO, Class Teacher and often the teaching assistant agree what outcome they expect following the intervention. A baseline will be recorded which can be used to compare the impact of the extra provision. The SENCO collates the impact data of interventions to ensure that we are only using interventions that work. The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed annually with all adults involved with the child’s education. Progress data of all learners is collated by the whole school and monitored by teachers, leaders and governors. Our school and cluster data is also monitored by the local authority and Ofsted.
Any child who is receiving support for an identified SEN and is on our record will have an INDES (An identification of needs descriptors in educational settings) completed by the SENCO and class teacher. These are a framework of standardised terms breaking down the broad areas of SEND into seven specific sections which describe need. Depending on the needs described through the INDES, a certain banding will be agreed and the County Council will then identify if any further funding is required. If a child is receiving support from an outside professional such as an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Speech and Language therapist, they will also be invited to share their views about where the child fits within the INDES framework.
How are decisions made about how much support my child will receive?
The amount of support a child receives will depend upon their level of need and barrier to learning. We encourage and support all children in a manner that acknowledges their entitlement to share the same learning experiences that their peers enjoy. There are times when to maximise learning, we ask the children to work in small groups, or in a one-to-one situation outside the classroom. These interventions are kept to a minimum as we understand the importance of every child accessing quality first teaching within their class.
There are children who require a higher level of support in order to engage with their learning and for these children we may, in collaboration with parents, apply for an Education Health and Care Plan. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice 2015 sets out a definition of eligibility for statutory assessment and the EHC plan. It places emphasis on taking children and young people whose needs cannot be reasonably met through their normally resourced local mainstream provision through the EHC planning process.
“A local authority must conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs and prepare an Education Health and Care plan when it considers that it may be necessary for special educational provision to be made for the child or young person through an EHC plan. This is likely to be where the special educational provision required to meet the child or young person’s needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the resources normally available to mainstream early years providers, schools and post 16 institutions.” SEN Code of Practice (2015)
How will I be involved in discussions about planning for my child’s education?
The school works closely with parents in the support of those children with special educational needs. We encourage an active partnership through an ongoing dialogue with parents, who have much to contribute to our support for children with special educational needs. The Learning Portfolios are created in collaboration with both the parent/carer and the child to ensure that all have their voice heard in the provision that will be delivered and the assessment of progress towards identified targets.
Who do I contact should I be unhappy with my child’s provision? We obviously work incredibly hard with parents to ensure that the provision offered meets the needs of an individual child and supports their development and leaning. We encourage open dialogue and feel that through this any concerns can be addressed appropriately. In the unlikely event that parents feel their child’s needs are not being met they should contact Judith Jarrett (SENDCO) or Lorraine Ratcliffe (Headteacher). You can also get advice from Norfolk SEND Local Offer
Who can parents contact for further information? Please contact Judith Jarrett (SENDCO) or Lorraine Ratcliffe (Headteacher) for any further information.
The Bishop's CE Primary Academy SEND Policy January 2023
If you would like to offer feedback on our report or take part in the review, please contact the school office.