Pupil Premium
What is the intention of Pupil Premium funding?
The pupil premium is additional government funding given to schools to help them tackle problems faced by socially disadvantaged children and to close the attainment gap between those children and their peers. Schools are free to use the pupil premium as they see fit but are accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support low income families.
How is Pupil Premium allocated?
The main basis of allocation is an amount paid in respect of each child known to have been eligible for free school meals at any time during the last six years. The principle behind this is that as a group, children eligible for free school meals have consistently lower educational attainment than those who have never been eligible for free school meals. In addition, amounts are paid for looked after children and for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
Principles for implementing Pupil Premium funding at Bishop's
We have adopted the following principles for ensuring that the use of pupil premium is appropriate to the needs of our School:
- We recognise that teaching and learning must meet the needs of all pupils.
- We recognise that there has been a history of lower attainment for socially disadvantaged children. However, not all socially disadvantaged children are in receipt of free school meals or are low attainers. Moreover, low attainment occurs in other social groups and some free school meals children are high attainers. A carefully balanced approach is therefore required.
- Our allocation of pupil premium to teaching and learning resources will therefore predominantly target low attainment generally, irrespective of social background.
- Use of pupil premium is subject to continuous close monitoring to ensure that its use is effective.
"The school is using the pupil premium funding well to provide effective support for disadvantaged pupils".
Local Authority Audit November 2015
Disadvantaged pupils in Year 6 made similar progress to other pupils in the school in mathematics and writing, and better progress in reading. Their attainment was a term ahead of their school peers in reading, and half a term ahead in writing and reading.
Ofsted September 2014
Pupil Premium Statement 2024-25
Pupil Premium statement 2023-24
In summary it is evident that the school leadership has taken the PPR of 2017 seriously. Actions resulting from the planning after the review are in place and there is evidence that these are being completed and having appositive impact.
Independent Impact Review June 2018