Our Vision Statement
Learning to live life in all its fullness in our safe and happy community
To have a culture of respect, where friendships are important and we forgive to grow together. We have courage to aim high, we persevere to achieve and serve all on our community’s journey. As shepherds, we include everyone in our safe and happy school to live life in all its fullness.
Theological Reference:
We have worked with Chris Allen, The Diocese Religious Education Adviser to link a bible reference to our ethos and vision.
Jesus was God’s shepherd on earth and his flock was not just for his followers but was open and included anyone – open to all. At Bishop’s CE Academy our community is diverse and is our flock, we serve that flock as its shepherd to ensure everyone is able to learn and achieve by being safe and happy.
We care equally for each of our flock, we work tirelessly to ensure each child has all they need to be safe and make safe choices now and in their future, to get the best possible education and to be loved and cared for in order to thrive.
Biblical Reference: John 10: 1-21
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
Our Latest SIAMs Inspection Report 2024
Our Values
Our Values
Our values underpin all our actions. We learn what our school values are and how we live them through our actions.
In our learning and our collective worship we reflect on where our values are lived out through stories in the bible or through acts of others.
Our Class Worship Themes
We meet as a school for collective worship each morning on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. We start the day together as a family, a flock. This is an important time for us to gather quietly, to reflect on our vision and values and to learn from the stories of Jesus.
On Tuesdays our worship is led by Rev Tony who is our local vicar. The children especially enjoy worship when he is joined by his friends to 'Open the book'. During these times we join in acting out stories from the bible and get to know many of the characters of the Old Testament.
On Wednesday we are led by our Music lead who is also a choir master at the cathedral. The children in the worship committee held to select Hymns and songs they would like each term.
On Thursdays the worship committee lead worship in their own classrooms. This allows children to reflect and engage with the topic. The worship committee meet with the head teacher each week to plan the worship ready for Thursday.
On Friday we meet as a whole school at the very end of the day. It is important to us to start and end the week together as a community, a flock. We share the successes of the week and give out certificates and awards to those children showing the school values in their actions.