Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to Nursery and Reception!
Here at Bishops, we work hard to ensure that all our children are learning through their own interests whilst providing a stimulating, engaging and exciting learning experience in which to develop and grow. As well as following the ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ scheme, we also plan in the moment to ensure that each child is learning through play, and that no learning opportunity is ever missed. We believe in capturing all teachable moments, following the children’s interests, so that we fully support their progress across all areas of learning.
We are very lucky that both Reception and Nursery are next to each other. This enables all children to integrate in our EYFS garden. This really helps our nursery children with transition to Reception as the children are familiar with both the setting and adults.
A brief overview of the EYFS curriculum:
The Early Years curriculum is made up of 7 areas of learning, these are split into Prime and Specific areas.
Prime Areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical development
- Personal, Social and Emotional development
Specific Areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
All of these areas are integrated and taught holistically as opposed to just as discreet subjects. By teaching them holistically it enables us to ensure that all the interests of the children are being met and helps us to support, challenge, engage, motivate and enhance both individual and group learning.
Working with parents:
We understand what an important role each and every parent/ carer plays in supporting the wellbeing and development of their child. It is with this in mind that when your child starts Nursery or Reception you will be welcomed to the School through a ‘Home Visit’. This is a great way of us getting to really know you and your child within your own environment. We have found these visits to be invaluable as they also help to alleviate any worries or concerns you or your child may have, while allowing you time to ask us any questions about School.
We use Class Dojo to share learning with you and encourage you to share special moments and 'wow' moments from home.
We look forward to working with you and your child on this exciting journey.