Admissions Policy (consultation)
Bishop’s is a popular Primary school and we are generally oversubscribed on entry to reception.
We run regular open mornings for interested parents and the schools reception will be able to let you know when these will be taking place. These informal visits give prospective parents and children an opportunity to look around our school and get a feel for what it is like to be part of our school family.
Reception Admissions
Norfolk County Council is responsible for coordinating the allocation of school places in Norfolk. They provide detailed information about the application process and you can access that information by following this link
Remember, you still need to apply for a place in Reception, even if your child already attends our Nursery.
Nursery Admissions
Children may be admitted into the Nursery class at the beginning of the term following their third birthday, if a place is available. Bishop’s has up to 52 pupils on roll at the Nursery at any one time. Each pupil is offered a part time place of five, three hour sessions a week (mornings or afternoons). To be considered for a place in the nursery, you will need to complete an application form. The form can be obtained from the school office and should be submitted back to the school office no later than the date given termly by Norfolk County Council. For more information, please follow this link
Where there are more applicants for the nursery than there are places available places will be allocated using the oversubscription criteria set out in the main school’s admission policy for that year of admission.
The admission policy for Bishop’s CE Primary Academy can be found in policy links here:Policies and is available in hard copy format on request
The admissions policy includes the oversubscription criteria that will be used if there are more people who apply for places than there are places available. The map of our catchment area is shown below. Please telephone us or visit the school office to enquire about admission to the school and discuss your circumstances. We consider all applications.
Catchment Area