Dear Parent/Guardian
Our school prides itself on delivering effective, age-appropriate relationships, sex and health education (RSHE)
that meets the needs of all our pupils within an inclusive and supportive learning environment; using
non-biased resources. RSHE is taught by experienced and skilled teaching staff who are committed
to preparing your child to live and learn safely in the modern world, negotiating the transition into
increasing independence with the development of knowledge, values and skills to make positive,
healthy and safe choices.
RSHE is delivered through a spiral curriculum that enables pupils to build on their prior learning by revisiting some themes to further develop knowledge, values and skills in an age and stage-appropriate manner.
As such, some themes are repeated to enable a deeper exploration of the related issues.
The lessons are delivered using the resource JIGSAW which ensures all aspects are delivered in an age appropriate and sensitive way, giving children the opportunity to talk about the different aspects.
I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that none of the teaching materials or strategies
should shock pupils. All lessons will be taught in a strictly non-judgemental and non-biased manner,
to allow your child the opportunity to consider the information and develop their own values, attitudes
and opinions about the topic. We would encourage you to discuss your child’s relationships and sex
education with them at home. This is an opportunity for you to share your family values in relation to the
topics, building strong channels of communication about emotions, the human body and relationships
with your child.
If you would like to know more information about our programme of relationships, sex and health education,
please familiarise yourself with the RSHE policy, curriculum and parent guidance on our website.
Please feel free to contact the school if you would like to discuss our programme of relationships, sex
and health education on an individual basis.
Yours sincerely
Lorraine Ratcliffe
Top tips for talking to your child...
Talking to your child about their feelings, relationships and changing body is important. Building good
channels of communication throughout childhood can help your child to communicate with you as
future issues of increasing seriousness arise.
Your child needs to know that it's OK to talk, and that you're happy to talk. They will learn this through
your body language, tone and manner when you talk so try to behave as you would in any other
topic of conversation.
Below are simple strategies to make talking about feelings, relationships and the body
more comfortable:
✔ Start by talking about something that you both find comfortable, such as feelings and emotions.
✔ Ask your child what they think their friends know/think about the topic, as this provides a way to talk
about your child’s views indirectly.
✔ Avoid ‘The Chat’. Talk about these topics little and often over everyday events like playing, drawing,
whilst driving in the car or watching TV. This can help to normalise the conversation, easing
uncomfortable feelings.
✔ Reading a story book containing relevant content is a helpful way to stimulate discussion with
your child.
✔ Don’t leave it too late. Start talking about relevant topics before you feel your child is approaching
a level of curiosity about it, so you establish strong channels of communication in readiness.
✔ Be prepared to listen. Your child will want to have their voice heard without feeling judged.
Feeling listened to will encourage your child to talk about issues in the future.
✔ If your child asks you a question you are not sure how to answer, don’t panic! Let them know that
you will answer it at another time, making sure you remember to. Sometimes a simple answer
can provide a sufficient response.
✔ Try to listen calmly, even if what they say surprises or concerns you. Remember that it is good
that they are comfortable to discuss issues with you. They need to trust that you will not
respond negatively.
Make sure your child knows they can always talk to you anytime, about anything.