School Closure Update 24th June 2020
Date: Wednesday 24th June 2020
Provision in school
The school is now open for Nursery, Reception and Year 1. Some Year 6 children are returning to school later in the week.
Please contact the school to organise a place. For children to start next Monday you must contact us by 12:00 today.
Please remember that Reception and Year 1 will be closed from 12:00 every Friday to allow for cleaning
Home learning
Please remember to post examples of home learning onto the new portfolios. For Year 2,3,4,5 and 6 these are in the new year group classes.
If you need help with dojo, help will be available in school to show you what to do.
We do understand how difficult it is to support home learning. We hope these materials help but we only ask families to do their best with their children. Sometimes taking a break is really important. You can always return to learning activities later in the day.
It is also helpful to practise basic skills such as:
• Maths – counting and/or multiplication tables
• A reading activity with an adult or older brother or sister
• Practising spelling or phonics
• A short writing activity
• A physical activity
These can be done in a variety of ways – sometimes without the children even noticing!!
There remain a huge amount or really useful and enjoyable resources available on the internet. These can also be used at any stage. We think the following are particularly helpful:
Latest government advice can be found at:
Mental health support
This is now the single place to find out how to access mental health advice and support for 0 -25’s in Norfolk & Waveney. The key message is that you don’t need a referral, you can get in touch straight away for advice and support. If you need more specialist help, we will make sure you get to the right person.
If you urgently need support from Children’s Services please call: 0344 800 8020
NSPCC 08088005000