School Closure update 21/04/2020
Bishop’s Primary Academy Date: Tuesday 21st April 2020
Unfortunately, the school is closed to most children.
Government advice remains that: ‘every child who can be cared for at home should be.’
We hope that you and your family are well and that you are adapting to staying at home.
We continue to provide learning activities for all children. This week these can be found on our website:
We feel that it is best that the children practise some basic activities every day:
- Maths – counting and/or multiplication tables
- A reading activity with an adult or older brother or sister
- Practising spelling or phonics
- A short writing activity
- A physical activity
We believe that if the children make progress in these key areas while they are not in school it will be easier for us to help them to catch up when they do return to school.
Yesterday a range of other resources were launched through the Department for Education and the BBC. We had already planned work for your children and would like the children to complete the work provided by the school.
However, there are some useful learning in these new resources so we are sharing the links if you would like to do some extra work with your child.
We are offering a provision for children of key workers and vulnerable children in line with government advice. If you think that you are a key worker and have not already spoken to us you MUST speak to us before sending your child in so that we can ensure there are enough adults present in school. Please contact the school to book places.
Families who have ordered a free school meal should collect these from the car park at 12:00. Please ensure that you stay two metres away from others as you wait to collect. If you do not collect an ordered meal we will not be able to provide further food for the rest of the week. We have been instructed to reduce food waste and only provide meals that will be collected.
Latest government advice can be found at:
If you wish to contact the school please email We will respond within one working day.
Mental health support
This is now the single place to find out how to access mental health advice and support for 0 -25’s in Norfolk & Waveney. The key message is that you don’t need a referral, you can get in touch straight away for advice and support. If you need more specialist help, we will make sure you get to the right person.
If you urgently need support from Children’s Services please call: 0344 800 8020
NSPCC 08088005000