School Closure Update 1st February 2021
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,
Unfortunately, the school is closed to most children.
Government advice remains that every child who can be cared for at home should stay at home.
We would like to thank all families for their support and engagement in home learning. We do appreciate how difficult this is for families and are really proud of your efforts in completing and posting work.
We also know that sometimes it is necessary to take a break because you or your child are finding the learning difficult. This is OK!! We do ask you to keep in touch with your classteacher through Dojo. A message to say that work has not been completed keeps us all in contact and helps us understand what is manageable at home. Our school value this half term is perseverance and we are all needing to show this at the moment – in the circumstances, we are doing well!!
You will have seen that schools will not open until Monday 8th March at the earliest. We hope to have more information about this before the end of February and will share our plans as soons as we are able.
Children’s mental health week 1.2.21
There will be a range of activities in home learning and in school to support children’s mental health during the course of the week. You may also want to look at these activities that are fun and manageable.
Free English lessons
During this lockdown there are English lessons available for FREE online.
Here are some details that you could give to young people and parents.
Monday Women only 11-1
Tuesday and Thursday women and men 11-1
Norwich International Youth Project:
English classes on Zoom on Tuesdays
International Youth Club Thursdays 4-7
Contact Lauren for update and links
Provision in school –
Children must not come to school if they, anyone in the household or anyone they have been in contact with have a continuous cough, temperature, loss of taste or loss of smell.
Children should only come to school if they cannot stay at home. This will mean that some children do not come in everyday.
Children must only come into school if a place has been confirmed by the school.
Children in Y3 and above should be dropped off at the front of the school to limit the number of adults on site. Please ensure you wear a mask and keep 2 metres away from other adults.
8:55 Gates open
9:00 Start of school
3:15 End of school
Thank you for keeping in touch with us and responding to dojo messages.
We have set up the following email addresses to link with specific questions. This will help us to respond promptly. – Please use this email address if you would like to request a school place, if you no longer need a school place or you have any questions about the organisation of the day in school. – Please use this email address if you have any questions about SEND provision or you have any concerns about the welfare of your child. – Please use this email address for any questions about free school meals - Please use DOJO or Google Classrooms to post work or ask teachers specific questions. Use this email address if you have any general questions about home learning.
We hope that we are able to see all children return safely to school as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Chris Read
Interim Headteacher
Latest government advice can be found at:
Mental health support
This is now the single place to find out how to access mental health advice and support for 0 -25’s in Norfolk & Waveney. The key message is that you don’t need a referral, you can get in touch straight away for advice and support. If you need more specialist help, we will make sure you get to the right person.
If you urgently need support from Children’s Services please call: 0344 800 8020
NSPCC 08088005000