Bishops Half Term Letter Feb 2021
Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,
Thank you for all your help and support over this challenging half term. We know that you have worked so hard to keep home learning going and this will help your children when they return to school. We hope that you can all enjoy next week a little without the pressure of home learning.
Those families coming into school have fully co-operated by wearing masks and socially distancing. This is so important for all our safety and allows us to continue offering school places for those who most need.
We know that we must all stay at home apart from essential reasons. Please follow the rules during as this will help speed up a return to school for the children.
If your child develops a continuous cough, a temperature or loses their sense of taste or smell please ensure that your household isolate and get tested. If your child has been in school please email because other children and staff may also need to isolate.
Take care,
Chris Read
Interim Headteacher